The Spook's Wiki

The County is the setting of The Wardstone series.


The County is set in England, specifically in the North West region above Manchester.


For more locations from the books, see: Other Countries in the Spook's Universe


  • Many of the people from the County have a broad accent, similar to that of the Spook's.
  • There are farms all over the County.
  • It is based on Lancashire.
  • It is based on the real-life, English county, Lancashire. The locations such as Chippenden and Caster are based on locations in Lancashire. Chippenden is based on the town, Chipping, and Caster is based on the city of Lancaster. Activities such as Witch testing did actually happen in Lancaster. Preisttown is based on Preston.
  • wards stone is in Lancaster
  • The Pendle Witches are actually based on the rumoured clan who dwelled on Pendle Hill, which is mentioned a few times throughout the books.